Leading Edge Flying Club

Great Planes… Great People

Located at KPWK

About Leading Edge Flying Club

Leading Edge Flying Club was formed in 2006, because a group of 7 pilots wanted to have more social experience tied to our love of aviation. Word of mouth spread quickly as LEFC earned a reputation for being one of the most exciting flying clubs in the Chicagoland area. Based out of Chicago Executive Airport (PWK), we enjoy monthly aviation breakfast meetings, training sessions, and during the summer months our periodic “Dog Day Afternoon” hot dog socials provide plenty of opportunity to log “hangar flying” hours. Although some of our members have chosen to buy into their own aircraft, many of our 100+ members enjoy exclusive access to our aircraft, such as our glass cockpit Piper Archer III or our Generation 2 Cirrus SR22. Besides access to a great fleet, our members also enjoy free access to our FLYTHISSIM Simulator, a library of educational reference material, Wifi, TV, and an awesome view of our hangar and the airport environment.

Why We Love Aviation

Pilots are a close knit community. The word community is made up of two root words, COMMON UNITY. Our common unity is a love of aviation. If you’re not sure if you have that same “spark” or just are not sure about the aviation experience, watch the below video and then give us a call to answer any questions you may have.

Learn More

Learn More about how Leading Edge Flying Club can help you achieve your aviation dreams!

Our Fleet

We have a fleet of clean aircraft with modern avionics including a Piper Archer and two Cirrus SR-22s.